Debian Linux

Debian Linux Tools & Howto

1. Using Radius, Ldap and Pptpd (English)
2. VMplayer Error while powering on: Failed to connect to peer process (English)
3. How to use Monster TV/TV2  (Japanese)
4. How to connect OCN.Phone from YAMAHA RTV700  (Japanese)
5. IPSec between Centurysys XR-410 and YAMAHA RTV700  (Japanese)
6. How to configure LDAP on Linux  (English)

Using Radius, Ldap and Pptpd

( 2007-05-02 )
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   Microsoft Windows Clients can access to Linux Samba server by VPN (Point to Point Tunnel Protocol ). This document explains How to configure Radius and Pptpd on Linux 2.6.* kernel. Ldap configuration is explained in another section.

  1. User/Password authentication is performed by Radius server.
  2. Ldap is the database which contains user/password and other informations.
  3. Authentication method is ms-chap-v2 with 128bit microsoft point to point encryption(MPPE).
  1. Debian Linux lenny amd64
  2. kernel
  3. pptpd v1.3.0
  4. freeradius v1.1.3
  1. Ldap server is already configured.
server name
basedn = ou=People,dc=abcde,dc=com
admin entry = cn=admin,dc=abcde,dc=com
admin password = aaaaa
  1. Radius is a client/server pair and they run on the same server.
Configure Radius Client:
  1. Install radiusclient and freeradius by  "apt-get install radiusclient1 freeradius" .
  2. Go into /etc/radiusclient directory.
  3. We need configure dictionary,, radiusclient.conf and servers.
  4. First configure dictionary.  This requires only one modification. The last line must be
INCLUDE /etc/rediusclient/
  1. You might see "$INCLUDE".  Due to a syntax problem, it does not work correctly. You must delete $ sign and type full path of the include file.
  2. Next, configure You couldn't find the file in the directory and must copy it from /usr/share/freeradius/
  3. The syntax of this file is new but could understand only old one. We have to modify the file.
    1. Delete "BEGIN-VENDOR MICROSOFT" line.
    2. Delete "END-VENDOR MICROSOFT" line.
    3. Delete lines which start "ATTRIBUTE" and contain "encrypt=1" or "encrypt=2" .
    4. Replace all occurrences of the word "octets" by "string" .
    5. Add the word "Microsoft" to the end of the line which start with "ATTRIBUTE" .
Note: Some lines have a comment starting with "#" at the end of line. In this case, you must add the word before the comment.
    1. Insert following three lines if necessary.
ATTRIBUTE  MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy  7   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE  MS-MPPE-Send-Key           16  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE  MS-MPPE-Recv-Key           17  string  Microsoft

Note: These three lines are basically contained already, but some version of freeradius lack them.
  1. Third configure radiusclient.conf.
auth_order    radius
auth_server   localhost
acctserver    localhost
servers       /etc/radiusclient/servers

These four line are important. Auth_order line normally shows "radius,local" but "local" sometimes causes unexpected side effects. You would better delete it.
Localhost means this server. Radius server will run on the same server.
  1. Configure servers.
localhost     seckeybbb

This file contains only one line, server name and security key. This key must be the same as one that Radius server indicate. I will explain it later.

Configure Radius Server:
  1. Go into /etc/freeeradius directory.
  2. We needs configure clients.conf, ldap.attrmap, radiusd.conf and users.
  3. Configure clients.conf. This file describes what clients can access the server.
client {
    secret  = seckeybbb
    shortname = localhost
    nastype  = other

At this time, Radius server and client run on the same machine, so that is the only necessary entry. seckeybbb is the name of security key which is determined in the client configuration.

  1. Configure ldap.attrmap. This file describe what name of attribute of Radius fits to that of Ldap. Basically default settings is enough except the three lines.
checkItem       LM-Password                     sambaLMPassword
checkItem       NT-Password                     sambaNTPassword
#checkItem      SMB-Account-CTRL-TEXT           sambaAcctFlags

lmPassword changed to sambaLMPassword, ntPassword changed to sambaNTPassword and accFlags changed to sambaAccFlags after samba3.0 . CheckItem must be commented out in the current version because the data including white spaces cause a problem.

  1. Configure radiusd.conf   This file contains many functions but most of them accept default settings. We only change modules.
  1. Modules section includes pap, chap, pam, unix, eap, mschap, ldap and others. We needs configure only mschap and ldap. Other settings may be commented out or left alone.
  2. Modules section defines what and how to use functions.
  3. In mschap, we have to configure the three lines.
use_mppe = yes
require_encryption = yes
require_strong = yes
  1. In ldap, following six lines have to be configured.
server = "localhost"
identity = "cn=admin,dc=abcde,dc=com"
password = aaaaa
basedn = "ou=People,dc=abcde,dc=com"
filter = "(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})"
#access_attr = "dialupAccess"

Identity and password are the administrative entry of Ldap server. I am not sure but I suppose these lines might be unnecessary if ldap is configured that anyone can access the database with this basedn and filter.
When you see the error message "rlm_mschap: No User-Password configured. Cannot create LM-Password.", you must add these two lines or reconfigure ldap server that anyone can access the database without authentication.
  1. Configure sites-available/default   This file contains authorize and authenticate section. We have to change these modules.
    1. Authorize Section declares what method will be used. This time, Mschap and Ldap are the only methods required.
authorize {

  1. Authenticate Section declares what authenticate method will be used. Mschap is the only one at this time.
authenticate {
   Auth-Type MS-CHAP {

Note: Even though using ldap server currently, it must never declare ldap here.  Authentication  method is mschap, not ldap.
  1. Configure users.  This file explains what client choose what methods or functions.
      NAS-IP-Address =

The only client is and it requires MS-CHAP. Again, Auth-Type = LDAP is not a good idea.

Configure Pptpd:
  1. Install pptpd by "apt-get install pptpd".
  2. We have to configure /etc/ppp/pptpd-options and /etc/pptpd.conf.
  3. Configure pptpd-options.
# Name of the local system for authentication purposes
name gateway
# Optional: domain name to use for authentication
# Auth & Encryption
# specifies the secondary DNS address.

Authentication is only mschap version 2 and other methods are refused. Microsoft point to pint encryption 128bit version (mppe-128) is required. Plugin is required.
  1. Configure pptpd.conf.
option /etc/ppp/pptpd-options

Localip is IP address of this server and remote IPs are clients' ip addresses which the server leases.

How to Confirm settings:
  1. Start pptpd and radius server.
# /etc/init.d/freeradius restart
# /etc/init.d/pptpd restart
  1. Connect from Windows client.
  2. If failed, check /var/log/syslog.
When you find error message "MPPE required but not available", check Perhaps, you missed MPPE attributes. See Configuration Radius Client 7 - f .

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VMplayer Error "while powering on: Failed to connect to peer process"
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  When launching vmplayer, it gets an eroor "while powering on: Failed to connect to peer process".


  If the archi is amd64 and also using i386 in a chroot environemnt. You probably need to apt-get upgrade in the chroot environment.
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Monster TV/TV2 でテレビを見る
はい :3     いいえ:1

SKNet社のMonster TV/TV2 のTV チューナーカードをLinuxで利用する方法を紹介します。
このチューナーカードは、Linuxではパッチが必要ですが、saa7134というドライバーで認識できます。kernel-2.6.10に対するパッチ が利用しやすいので、kernel-2.6.10での利用方法を説明します。

1. kernel-2.6.10 のソースを入手する。
2. linux-2.6.10-rc1-mm4.monstertv.1.diff.gz を入手する。
3. Patchを適用して、kernelを構築する。
4. /etc/modprobe.d/saa7134 というファイルを作成し、次の内容を記述する。
    options saa7134  card=48
5. アプリケーションとして、tvtimeをインストールする。
6. ~/.tvtime/stationlist.xml を編集する。
  <list norm="NTSC-JP" frequencies="japan-broadcast" audio="bg">
    <station name="NHK General" active="1" position="1" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="1" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="Weather" active="1" position="2" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="2" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="SUN" active="1" position="3" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="3" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="MBS" active="1" position="4" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="4" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="K-Vision" active="1" position="5" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="5" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="ABC" active="1" position="6" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="6" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="KTV" active="1" position="8" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="8" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="Shoping" active="1" position="9" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="9" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="YTV" active="1" position="10" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="10" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="OBS" active="1" position="11" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="11" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>
    <station name="NHK Education" active="1" position="12" band="Japan Broadcast" channel="12" finetune="0" norm="NTSC-JP" audio="auto"/>

なお、MonsterTV2においては、tuner=43  card=48 として動作します。

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YAMAHA RTV700からIP電話に接続する
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1. VoIP電話番号: -を入れない050で始まる11桁の自電話番号。例: 05011112222
2. VoIPサーバ名:SIPサーバー名: プロバイダーより割り当てられた接続サーバー名。例:
3. サービスドメイン:SIPドメイン: プロバイダーより割り当てられたVoIPドメイン名。例:
4. VoIPユーザーID:SIPユーザーID:ユーザーID: プロバイダーより割り当てられたユーザーID。例: 334VVYYJJ
5. VoIPパスワード:SIPパスワード:パスワード: プロバイダーより割り当てられたパスワード。例: pASS0354
6. SIPサーバーアドレス:SIPサーバーIPアドレス: VoIPサーバー名に同じ。例:
7. SIPアドレス:SIP_url: 電話番号@サービスドメイン。例:。
8. SIPユーザ名:ユーザ名: sip:で始まるSIPアドレスで、@以降を含む場合と含まない場合がある。
    例: sip:05011112222 又は
    注意: VoIPユーザーID@サービスドメイン名ではない。


analog sip arrive incoming-signal 1 1 no-ringing-fax
analog pad rtp receive 1 -6db <===FAXの場合、エコーを避けるため音量を落す。
analog pad rtp send 1 -6db <===同上
analog use 1 on
analog sip arrive permit 1 on
analog sip call permit 1 on
analog sip call myname 1 sip:05011112222
analog sip call display name 1 05011112222
analog sip arrive myaddress 1 1
analog use 2 on
analog sip arrive permit 2 off <===電話着信させる場合は on
analog sip call permit 2 on
analog sip call myname 2 sip:05011112222
analog sip call display name 2 05011112222
analog sip arrive myaddress 2 1
analog supplementary-service pseudo call-waiting
analog extension dial prefix line prefix="0000"
analog extension dial prefix sip server=1
sip use on
sip server 1 register udp 334VVYYJJ pASS0354

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Centurysys XR-410とYAMAHA RTV700をIPSecで接続する。
はい :2     いいえ:0


  1. 少なくとも一方は固定IPアドレスを持たなければなりません。
  2. XR-410及びRTV700のWAN側IFに直接global IPが割り振られて入る場合はmainモードで接続します。(例1)
  3. 一方が動的IPもしくは固定IPであってもCTUや他のルーターのNAT下にあり、WAN側IFにglobal IPが割り振られていない場合はaggressiveモードで接続します。(例2)
  4. 双方でpsk key(事前共通鍵)を使用します。
  5. 双方でpfsの使用はしないようにします。
例1 mainモード接続:
  1. XR-410側 IPアドレス
  2. XR-410側local network
  3. RTV700側 IPアドレス
  4. RTV700側local network
  5. psk key KEYSAMPLE
  6. 双方ともPPPoEによりプロバイダーに接続。
1. 本装置の設定:NAT Traversal:使用しない。   <===必要無し
2. 本装置の設定1:インターフェースのIPアドレス:
3. 本装置の設定1:上位のルータIPアドレス: %ppp0     <===PPPoE接続とする
4. 本装置の設定1:インターフェースのID: 空白     <===`mainモードでは指定しない。
5. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:インターフェースのIPアドレス:
6. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:上位ルータのIPアドレス: 空白
7. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:インターフェースのID: 空白
8. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:モードの設定: mainモード
9. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:transformの設定1番目: group2-3des-md5     <===相手側と合わせる
10.IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:IKEのライフタイム: 3600     <===default 相手側に合わせる
11.IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:鍵の設定: PSKを利用する: KEYSAMPLE
14.IPSecポリシーの設定1:PH2のTransformの選択: 3des-md5
16.IPSecポリシーの設定1:SAのライフタイム: 28800     <===default 相手側に合わせる

pp select 1
ip pp nat descriptor 1000
pp enable 1
nat descriptor type 1000 masquerade     <===インターネット用のmasquerade割り当て
nat descriptor address outer 1000     <=== IPSecとは違うglobal IPを割り当てる
nat descriptor address inner 1000
ip route gateway tunnel 1
tunnel select 1
ipsec tunnel 101
ipsec sa policy 101 1 esp 3des-cbc md5-hmac
ipsec ike encryption 1 3des-cbc
ipsec ike esp-encapsulation 1 off
ipsec ike group 1 modp1024
ipsec ike hash 1 md5
ipsec ike local address 1
ipsec ike local id 1
ipsec ike log 1 key-info message-info payload-info
ipsec ike pfs 1 off
ipsec ike pre-shared-key 1 KEYSAMPLE
ipsec ike remote address 1
ipsec ike remote id 1
      <===mainモードの場合remote nameは指定しない
ip tunnel address
tunnel enable 1

例2 aggressiveモード接続:
  1. XR-410側 CTUのWAN側IPアドレス     <=== 固定IPでも利用しない。動的IPの時は不要。
  2. XR-410側 CTUのLAN側IPアドレス
  3. XR-410側 WAN側IPアドレス
  4. XR-410側local network
  5. RTV700側 IPアドレス
  6. RTV700側local network
  7. psk key KEYSAMPLE
  8. 双方ともPPPoEによりプロバイダーに接続。
1. 本装置の設定:NAT Traversal:使用しない。   <===必要無し
2. 本装置の設定1:インターフェースのIPアドレス:
3. 本装置の設定1:上位のルータIPアドレス:     <===CTUのLAN側アドレス
4. 本装置の設定1:インターフェースのID: @GATESAMPLE     <===相手側に合わす
5. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:インターフェースのIPアドレス:
6. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:上位ルータのIPアドレス: 空白
7. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:インターフェースのID: 空白
8. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:モードの設定: aggressiveモード
9. IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:transformの設定1番目: group2-3des-md5     <===相手側と合わせる
10.IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:IKEのライフタイム: 3600     <===default 相手側に合わせる
11.IKE/ISAKMPの設定1:鍵の設定: PSKを利用する: KEYSAMPLE
14.IPSecポリシーの設定1:PH2のTransformの選択: 3des-md5
16.IPSecポリシーの設定1:SAのライフタイム: 28800     <===default 相手側に合わせる

pp select 1
ip pp nat descriptor 1000
pp enable 1
nat descriptor type 1000 masquerade     <===インターネット用のmasquerade割り当て
nat descriptor address outer 1000     <=== IPSecとは違うglobal IPを割り当てる
nat descriptor address inner 1000
ip route gateway tunnel 2
tunnel select 2
ipsec tunnel 102
ipsec sa policy 102 2 esp 3des-cbc md5-hmac
ipsec ike encryption 2 3des-cbc
ipsec ike esp-encapsulation 2 off
ipsec ike group 2 modp1024
ipsec ike hash 2 md5
ipsec ike local address 2
ipsec ike local id 2
ipsec ike log 2 key-info message-info payload-info
ipsec ike pfs 2 off
ipsec ike pre-shared-key 2 KEYSAMPLE
ipsec ike remote address 2 any     <===aggressiveモードの場合anyを指定
ipsec ike remote id 2
ipsec ike remote name 2 GATESAMPLE     <===相手側@GATESAMPLEの@を省いて指定
ip tunnel address
tunnel enable 2

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How to configure LDAP on Linux
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   Ldap ( Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) can unify users and groups in a network in order to manage them as the same users and groups as those in other servers. Passwords for login, email, samba and pptpd can be the same as those in other servers and modified at the same time. This document explains how to configure Ldap on Linux 2.6.* kernel. Pptpd configuration is explained in another section.

  1. Debian Linux lenny i386
  2. kernel
  3. slapd v2.3.38-1
  4. libnss-ldap v256-1
  1. Master Ldap server is []
  2. Slave Ldap server is []
  3. File(samba) server is []
  4. Mail(postfix)server is[]
  5. Samba workgroup is WORKGROUP

Ldap is designed to work as a client and server model. Each email, ftp or samba server requests an authentication to the Ldap server. Ldap normally runs duplicated because its malfunction makes deadly damage to the entire network.

Install OpenLdap to master Ldap server:
  1. Install slapd, ldap-tools, smbldap-tools, sasl2-bin by "apt-get install slapd ldap-utils smbldap-tools sasl2-bin".

  2. The name of OpenLdap package is "slapd" and ldap-utils contains usefull tools. Smbldap-tools will install samba.schema into /etc/ldap/schema.
    sasl2-bin will install saslauthd daemon which can accept authentication request from a client that doesn't have an ability to inquire to LDAP server directly.

  3. Configure slapd by post-installation script.

  4. base DN dc=abcde,dc=com
    Admin password aaaaaa

  5. Add samba.schema to /etc/ldap/schema.

  6. gzip -cd /usr/share/doc/smamba-doc/examples/LDAP/samba.schema.gz > /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema

  7. Add smbldap.conf and smbldap_bind.conf to /etc/smbldap-tools/.

  8. gzip -cd /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/examples/smbldap.conf.gz > /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf
    cp /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/examples/smbldap_bind.conf /etc/smbldap-tools/

  9. Configure /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf by hand.

  10. sambaDomain="WORKGROUP"

  11. Configure /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap_bind.conf by hand.

  12. slaveDN="cn=admin,dc=abcde.dc=com"

    As this file stores administrative DN and password, its permission should be 600.

  13. Configure /etc/ldap/slapd.conf by hand.

  14. # Features to permit
    #allow bind_v2

    After installing Radius server, you need to uncomment this. Radius server trys to connect by ldap version 2.

    # Schema and objectClass definitions
    include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
    include /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
    include /etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema
    include /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
    include /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema

    After install Radius server, you also have to insert
    include /etc/ldap/schema/RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema

    # Load additional module
    moduleload syncprov

    # Indexing options for database #1
    index objectClass,uid,cn,gidNumber,memberUid,sambaSID,uidNumber,entryCSN,entryUUID eq

    cachesize 200
    idlcachesize 1000
    This is a master LDAP server and it is necessary to duplicate the database to another slave LDAP server by syncprov.

    # Replica is obsolete, now configure syncprov #1
    overlay syncprov
    syncprov-checkpoint 100 10
    syncprov-sessionlog 100

    access to attrs=SambaLMPassword
    by self read
    by anonymous auth
    by * none

    access to attrs=SambaNTPassword
    by self read
    by anonymous auth
    by * none

    access to attrs=userPassword
    by anonymous auth
    by self write
    by * none

    Note: 'by dn="cn=admin,dc=abcde,dc=com" write' is no longer needed.
  15. Configure /etc/default/saslauthd by hand.

  16. The only one line you have to modify id ;

  17. Create initial database and register test entry.

  18. ldapadd -x -W -D "cn=admin,dc=abcde,dc=com" -f initial.ldif
    Before execute this command, you have to create initial.ldif as follows.

    dn: ou=People,dc=abcde,dc=com
    ou: People
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    objectClass: top

    dn: uid=test,ou=People,dc=abcde,dc=com
    uid: test
    cn: test
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: posixAccount
    objectClass: shadowAccount
    loginShell: /bin/bash
    uidNumber: 1901
    gidNumber: 1000
    homeDirectory: /home/test
    gecos: Test User
    sn: Test
    givenName: User

    dn: ou=Group,dc=abcde,dc=com
    ou: Group
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    objectClass: top

    dn: cn=users,ou=Group,dc=abcde,dc=com
    cn: users
    objectClass: posixGroup
    objectClass: top
    gidNumber: 1000
    memberUid: test

  19. Check ldap database.

  20. By using following commands, you can confirm Ldap entries.
    slapcat   --  Display whole database entries.
    ldapsearch -x "(cn=test)"   --  Display test user contents.
    id test   --  Display test user's uid, gid and group.

    Note: If you can't get desireble result, you may reboot the system.
Install OpenLdap to slave Ldap server:

The installation is the same as that of master Ldap, but some configrations are different.
  1. Install slapd, ldap-tools, smbldap-tools, sasl2-bin by "apt-get install slapd ldap-utils smbldap-tools sasl2-bin".
  2. Configure slapd by post-installation script.
  3. Add samba.schema to /etc/ldap/schema.
  4. Add smbldap.conf and smbldap_bind.conf to /etc/smbldap-tools/.
  5. Configure /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf by hand.
  6. Configure /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap_bind.conf by hand.
  7. Configure /etc/ldap/slapd.conf by hand.
  8. Following configurations are different from those of master Ldap.

    # Where to store the replica logs for database #1
    # replogfile /var/lib/ldap/replog

    # This is a slave get from Master
    rootdn cn=replica,dc=abcde,dc=com
    rootpw aaaaaa
    updatedn cn=replica,dc=abcde,dc=com
    updateref uri=ldap://,dc=com

    Slave Ldap acts as only reference server, and forwards update requests to the master Ldap.

  9. Configure /etc/default/saslauthd by hand.
  10. Create initial database and register test entry.

  11. The database will be created when master Ldap's slurpd starts up.

  12. Check ldap database.
Installation and configuretion on Ldap client:

The installation and configuration must be done on all servers which are going to connect to LDAP servers. These are required on Master and slave Ldap servers themselves as well.
  1. Install libpam-ldap by "apt-get install libpam-ldap".
  2. Configure /etc/pam_ldap.conf by hand.

  3. uri ldap:// ldap://
    base dc=abcde,dc=com
    rootbinddn cn=admin,dc=abcde,dc=com

    This configuration file shows how to access LDAP servers by pam modules. Uri must specify Ip addresses of LDAP servers. In case of LDAP server itself, it points to localhost,

  4. Install libnss-ldap and by "apt-get install libnss-ldap".
  5. Configure /etc/libnss-ldap.conf by hand.

  6. uri ldap:// ldap://
    base dc=abcde,dc=com
    rootbinddn cn=admin,dc=abcde,dc=com

    This configuration file will be used to get uid, gid and home directory from LDAP server. Uri must specify Ip addresses of LDAP servers. In case of LDAP server itself, it points to localhost,

  7. Configure /etc/nsswitch.conf by hand.

  8. passwd: files ldap
    group: files ldap
    shadow: files ldap

    The authentication order is by /etc/passwd first and next by ldap.

  9. Configure /etc/pam.d/common-account

  10. account sufficient
    account required try_first_pass

    Try_first_pass entry prevents to request account twice by and

  11. Configure /etc/pam.d/common-auth

  12. auth sufficient
    auth required nullok_secure try_first_pass

  13. Configure /etc/pam.d/common-password

  14. password sufficient
    password required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5 try_first_pass

  15. Configure /etc/pam.d/common-session

  16. session sufficient
    session required use_first_pass

  17. Configure /etc/ldap/ldap.conf

  18. BASE dc=abcde,dc=com
    URI ldap://localhost ldap://

    URI must point to master and slave Ldap servers. This example shows itself, so that ldap://localhost is equivalent to ldap://
Configure Samba server:
  1. Configure /etc/samba/smb.conf.

  2. passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap:// ldap://"
    ldap suffix = dc=abcde,dc=com
    ldap admin dn = cn=admin,dc=abcde,dc=com
    ldap user suffix = ou=People
    ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
    ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
    ldap ssl = no
    idmap uid = 40000-50000
    idmap gid = 40000-50000

    obey pam restrictions = no
    ; Do ldap passwd sync
    ldap passwd sync = Yes
    passwd program = /usr/sbin/smbldap-passwd %u
    # administer user and groups from Windows
    add user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m "%u"
    ldap delete dn = Yes
    delete user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-userdel "%u"
    add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u"
    add group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p "%g"
    delete group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupdel "%g"
    add user to group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m "%u" "%g"
    delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -x "%u" "%g"
    set primary group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-usermod -g "%g" "%u"

  3. Tell Samba administrative password for Ldap.

  4. smbpasswd -w aaaaaa

  5. Register users to samba.

  6. smbldap-useradd -a -g users -m -A 1 -B 0 testuser1

    -a makes both unix and samba account,
    -g users is the group which testuser1 will participate in,
    -m makes his/hers home directory,
    -A 1 allows testuser1 to change his/hers own passsword,
    -B 0 may not have testuser1 change his/hers password in a term, default 30 days.
    Note: -S surname causes a problem for postfix,
    because cn will be Givenname Surname but Postfix regards cn must be simple userid.
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